State Charter School focused on Language Immersion
International Baccalaureate World School for the PYP & MYP

Nurturing students to become compassionate, lifelong learners
ACADEMIC DAY HOURS: Lower Campus - 7:40 a.m.-2:20 p.m.
Upper Campus - 7:25 a.m.-2:40 p.m.
Both campuses dismiss one hour early on Wednesdays.

Frequently Asked Questions
Below are commonly asked questions about ICSAtlanta. Please direct any other questions to (general) or (admissions).

Which grade levels are offered at ICSAtlanta?
ICSAtlanta serves students in grades K-8th. See admissions information on this website under the Admissions drop down menu.
Which languages are offered at ICSAtlanta?
ICSAtlanta offers dual language immersion (DLI) and language instruction in French, German, Mandarin, and Spanish. Students in middle grades can earn high school credit for language courses.
Is ICSAtlanta an International Baccalaureate school?
Yes, ICSAtlanta is an IB World School for the Primary Years Programme (PYP), serving grades K-5 and for the Middle Years Programme (MYP), serving grades 6-8. For more information, please see the International Baccalaureate website.
What are ICSAtlanta's hours?
​ICSAtlanta Lower Campus school hours:
7:40am-2:20pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
7:40am-1:20pm Wednesday
ICSAtlanta Upper Campus school hours:
7:25am-2:40pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
7:25am-1:40pm Wednesday
The shortened day on Wednesdays each week allows a consistent time for our teacher teams (target language and English teachers) to work together for planning, training, and reflection purposes. Additionally, this provides parents the opportunity to schedule medical or dental appointments without missing regular school hours.
Where is ICSAtlanta located?
Our Lower Campus (grades Knd-3rd) is located at 1335 Northmeadow Parkway, Suite #100, Roswell, GA, 30076. This facility is a wonderful fit for our dual language immersion program with 30 classrooms, a gymnasium, cafeteria, and several outdoor spaces.
Our Upper Campus (4th-8th) is located at 1675 Hembree Road, Alpharetta, GA 30009, just half a mile from our Lower Campus. This amazing facility has a large gymnasium, cafeteria, science labs, and more!
Is bus transportation available?
​​No, ICSAtlanta does not offer transportation. Parent groups in similar geographical areas have arranged for private van companies to bring their students to school, and many other parent groups work together to organize carpools.
Do you have after school care?
​​Yes, ICSAtlanta offers an onsite after school program (ASP) for students in grades K-6th. ASP runs from the end of the regular school day until 6:00 PM. Find information about our program on our website under Parents & Students. Updated details on the registration process and cost will be sent to enrolled families prior to school starting.
ICSAtlanta also offers onsite after school clubs. These activities are offered onsite by teachers/staff members for a fee.
How much time will my child spend learning his/her second language?
The time spent in the second target language (L2) is based on grade.
Knd-5th Grade: 50% of instruction in L2 and 50% instruction in English
6th-8th Grade: 2 classes per day (33% of academic day) in L2; remaining subjects taught in English
Are teachers native or near-native speakers?
Yes, ICSAtlanta teachers are native or near-native speakers of the language they teach.
What does ICSAtlanta’s curriculum look like?
As a language-immersion school, teachers use the target languages and English to teach Georgia Standards in ELA, mathematics, science, and social studies within the IB framework.
Do you have a gifted program? How do students qualify for the program?
Yes, ICSAtlanta offers gifted services for 4th - 8th grades. Please note that students are identified and referred for evaluation via the referral process outlined by the Georgia Department of Education (DOE). Furthermore, students who are referred for gifted evaluation are assessed for gifted services via the eligibility criteria put forth by the Georgia DOE, in compliance with all laws and regulations.
My child is very advanced in a second language. How does ICSAtlanta accommodate this higher level of understanding in the L2?
Just as in English classes, teachers differentiate instruction as appropriate to meet the needs of each student (both in language and academic ability).
My child does not have any prior language experience. Will lack of prior language experience cause academic challenges?
In Kindergarten, students are ideally situated to join our school without prior language experience. They are able to quickly catch up to peers with prior language experience.
How do I apply for my child to attend ICSAtlanta?
Any student who resides in the state of Georgia is eligible to apply. As a state-approved charter school, our enrollment is not limited to any specific county. Prospective students entering Kindergarten must be age five (5) or older on or before September 1. Please visit the Admissions page on this website for more information.
Are families able to choose a specific language track?
Families are asked for their language preference. ICSAtlanta makes every effort to place students in their preferred language; however, we do not guarantee students will be awarded any specific language track. Research shows that exposure and learning in a second language is beneficial for children, regardless of the language. ICSAtlanta encourages families to keep an open mind when considering a language track. Parents do not need to know the second language for their student to be successful!
Does every grade offer all four languages?
Yes, ICSAtlanta is committed to offering all four languages in every grade.
What is the student/teacher ratio?
In Kindergarten though 5th grades, ICSAtlanta's goal is to cap classes at 22 students. Our Kindergarten classes also have a paraprofessional in the classroom.
Do students wear uniforms?
Yes, ICSAtlanta students are required to wear uniforms. More details on the uniform requirements can be found on this website under Parents & Students.
How do I make a donation, and is my donation tax deductible?
Please visit the Support Us page on this website for more information and ways to give! ICSAtlanta relies on the support of donors in order to help bridge the gap between the funds received from the State of Georgia and the actual operating costs for the school. ICSAtlanta is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization.
Does ICSAtlanta have a PTO?
Yes, please visit their website HERE to learn more about our PTO.
Does ICSAtlanta have food service?
No, ICSAtlanta does not offer a food service program. Students bring a lunch and snack from home each day.