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ICSAtlanta Federal Programs

ICSAtlanta is a public, state charter school that receives supplemental federal funding through state and federal grants. The purpose of federal education program funding under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is to provide school districts and their schools with supplemental financial resources and assistance in order to ensure equitable access to a high quality education, regardless of student economic status or other equity factors. Federal program funds in Georgia supplement and support the programs and strategies that help all students thrive.


Georgia school districts apply for their federal funds through a consolidated application process to GaDOE. The application requires school districts to identify the methods through which the intent and purpose(s) of each Federal program will be integrated into the district's existing academic achievement targets and efforts towards continuous improvement. Responses as to how the school district will meet federal program requirements, as defined in ESSA, are submitted in the consolidated application through the lens of the LEAs’ flexibility structure. Where very unique and targeted federal funding streams exist, e.g., School improvement funds for Comprehensive and Targeted support, IDEA, homeless, migrant, and rural, districts must expand on the identified needs for these populations or schools within their federal consolidated funding application.


















LEAs that receive Title I, Part A funds are required to place their annual report card on their websites. Please CLICK HERE to see ICSAtlanta's Annual Report Card from the Governor's Office of Student Achievement (GOSA).


Click the boxes below to see more information about the following ICSAtlanta's federal programs:

State and Federal Programs oversees the following: 

  • Title I, Part A

  • Title II, Part A

  • Title IV, Part A - Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE)

  • Title IX, Part A – McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth

  • Other Title Grant Programs as applicable

  • Parent’s Right to Know 

  • Special Education

We would love your feedback on our Consolidated LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP). Please CLICK HERE to give your feedback.
Any questions or comments regarding ICSAtlanta's Federal Programs may be directed to:

Christen Ramo

ICSAtlanta Federal Programs Director

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