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Title I Parent Page

This page is designed to provide information and resources for families of ICSAtlanta students who receive EIP or REP services. ICSAtlanta utilizes Title I-A federal funds to provide "targeted assistance" to students in ELA and/or math in order to help ensure their academic achievement. For questions about Title I-A, please contact Christen Ramo, Federal Grants Manager at

Annual Title I Parent Meeting


The Annual Title I Parent Meeting was held on Thursday, October 10th at 5:00PM via Zoom link. We learned about Title I-A, how ICSAtlanta uses the federal Title I funds it receives, the Family Engagement Policy, and the Title I School-Parent Compact (Presentation linked HERE).


Our Resources and Input Title I Parent Input Meeting will be held on Monday, February 3rd at 5:00PM and via Zoom link (Meeting ID: 867 4639 8555, Passcode: title)

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